An awesome new way to pitch blades for control

This video has left me with my jaw dropped. This is as significant as the wheel, or someone reinventing the wheel. With this, helicopters and coaxial copters will require less moving parts and be lighter overall. Great job everyone involved! via:

Trappy has not won yet, things are now clearly worse

The NTSB stepped into the case like a bull in a china shop. It’s not looking good for Trappy (Raphael  Pirker) or the rest of the RC/Drone community. Dan Gettinger summarized the NTSB decision: “The NTSB decision effectively means that drone pilots will not be able to challenge FAA enforcement actions (such as fines and…

3D printed ducted fan flying wing

This is sure interesting! but looks under powered in my opinion. “Flight testing of an FDM-printed fixed wing UAV developed at the University of Sheffield AMRC.” via:

The book “Drone University” is live!

Drone University is now on Amazon! it will be free this weekend and after that it’s $9.99 You can get it on your Kindle or Kindle app on your phone or ipad. Or use the on your PC or Mac or Linux. Basically, it’s everywhere.  

Schematics and diagrams

Click picture to enlarge Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 stage 3 can also be used for helicopters. APM and servos are on separate power rails to prevent brownout from servo current. Multicopter UAS

New easy to build from scrap 250mm Lexan mini H quad

I was gonna buy a Blackout Mini H, but didn’t want to part with $150 and the long wait. So I cut some scrap 1/4 Polycarbonate sheet (lexan) with a reciprocating Skill saw with fine tooth blade and in about 20 minutes I had a super strong quad frame. Its incredibly strong but you could…

New Naze32 flight controller! and derp

So I got this new Acro Naze32, test flew it today and its more stable and lightweight than the APM I had installed. But I was flying FPV and got to 50′ and tried to come down just a bit and it just flipped and flipped into the dirt. Guess I need to do more…

PID tuning an Arducopter APM 2.6 Mini-H quad

Had issues initially getting this tuned because of its small size.  Its a 280mm measured from one motor to the the other diagonally.  Its a clone I made of the “220mm Blackout Mini-H quad“, but the Blackout cant fit 6″ props just 5”. I used the tie down tuning method like this guy Dave C.…

300mm quad rebuild into 280mm quad

The quad I build last weekend didn’t work out. All the junky Hobbyking motor mounts broke in one flight. I had to make new arms and moved components around so everything fits better. Here it is rebuilt with the 6×3 props: