You will find 91 posts on this site.
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- Align TREX 450 build update 5. Maiden #1.
- Align TREX APM build update #6
- Align TREX build update 4. Flight controller issues.
- An awesome new way to pitch blades for control
- another Burning Man 2013 aerial quad video
- Canadians, make sure you watch TV on Thursday
- Choosing a FPV LCD monitor
- Commercial drones now clearly legal! Trappy wins.
- DIY 433MHz UHF receiver antenna. TREX build update 3
- Dji Phantom 2 V2 with Flysight FPV add on
- Drone University (2014) ebook now free!
- Drone University book update notes V1.13
- F-16 fighter jet converted into drone
- FEMA threatens to arrest volunteer drone operators during Colorado flood relief
- FOAM! …types of foam that are used in RC & FPV & Mini UAV airframes
- FPV Flight cams and lenses primer, 1/3 inch CCD
- FPV remote controlled sniper rifle
- FPV UAV video googles/glasses overview
- FPV video frequency selection
- Fully autonomous Ardupilot APM Flying Wing schematic
- GPS trackers, quickly recover that lost drone
- Great video of Burning Man 2013, TBS Discovery Quadcopter + GoPro Black
- Harvard – gun bans don’t work. I say, drone bans won’t either.
- HD Flight cameras and how to get that nice smooth video
- Helicopter: Align TREX 450 Pro V2 build plan!
- Mantras to use when building unmanned planes
- Mini 225mm Race Quadcopter frame “Wolfbone225” v1
- minimOSD Extra setup and customizing
- My interpretation of the new DOT/FAA sUAS or drone rules proposal
- MyVu Crystal 701 “white haze” fix and “blue screen” mod
- New *made in China* 250mm quad frame unboxing
- New 300mm mini-H quad is born!
- new 3DR Pixhawk flight controller, the PX4 ARM powered successor to Ardupilot APM 2.6
- New bones for my mini-H quad. Frame transplant.
- new build coming soon
- New easy to build from scrap 250mm Lexan mini H quad
- new FAA sUAS/drone/RC regs “proposal” released today
- New HAM show “TX Factor”, worth a watch
- new inexpensive $659 fully autonomous APM’ish quadcopter, meet 3DR IRIS
- New Naze32 flight controller! and derp
- New product! IRclip cable management
- New product. IRtalon, illuminator mount for SiOynx Aurora
- New products! and a upcoming teaser.
- New Prusa i3 MK2 3d printer released!
- OK GO’s – I wont let you down, new video. Drone build breakdown.
- Overview: Autopilots and OSD’s for planes and quadcopters
- PID tuning an Arducopter APM 2.6 Mini-H quad
- Planning for your plane or quad build
- PopSci’s coverage of the AUVSI drone show
- Power supply setup and instruction for a Turnigy Accucell 6 charger
- presenting the GimBall…better than a quadcopter?
- Product review at
- PTS MTEK Flux bump helmet review
- QGroundcontrol and PX4 is in, APM and Mission Planner is out?
- Quadcopter FPV frequency selection primer
- R/C Aircraft Pilot (Trappy) Fined $10,000 By The FAA
- RC Frequency Selection for FPV UAV LRS
- reminder: remove props when working on your quadcopter. [warning blood]
- Repetier settings for DaVinci 1.0 3D printer
- Replacing the nose on an airplane with EPP, Zephyr II
- Review: Gizmo Dorks PEI print bed on a DaVinci 1.0
- RTL Spectrum analyzer / software defined radio & ADS-B
- The Age of the Drone, a fantastic drone documentary!
- The best SD card yet for the GoPro 3
- The book “Drone University” is live!
- the future is here: a new single motor, 3D quadcopter. Stingray 500
- The perfect FPV UAV radio antenna tower?
- This is a whole new level. VTOL Wingcopter
- TINY tri-copter, the size of a cookie but less fattening
- Trappy has not won yet, things are now clearly worse
- TREX 450 Pro APM/FPV build update 1
- TREX 450 Pro APM/FPV build update 2
- Turn your old cell phone into a surveillance camera
- Turnigy 9XR APM Arducopter/Arduplane radio settings
- UAV autopilot fight: 3DR Ardupilot APM versus uThere Ruby
- Unlock the potential of your Dji with the Litchi app
- Upcoming posts
- Update to Trappys FAA case
- Upgrading from KK2.0 flight controller to APM Arducopter 2.5